Flintastic SA
Asphalt roll roofing or membrane is a roofing material commonly used for buildings that feature a low sloped roof pitch in North America. The material is based on the same materials used in asphalt shingles; a fiberglass mat, saturated with asphalt, and faced with granular stone aggregate. Residential low slope roofing can generally be divided up into two broad categories: larger flat roofed applications (low slope) such as residential condominium complexes, row homes, and town houses and smaller applications such as residential roofs to porch and garage transitions from the main home where the slope of the roof changes dramatically from steep slope to low slope on the same structure.
For residential low slope roofing applications such as house, garage and porch transitions, we typically will use a product manufactured from CertainTeed, who offers an excellent solution in their Flintlastic SA, self-adhering SBS modified bitumen roofing system. Flintlastic SA products feature easy and clean application and also have granulated surfaces with colors that coordinate with CertainTeed shingles providing the homeowner with a complete and coordinated solution for roof designs that transition from steep to low slope.